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Chinese translation for "ring like"


Related Translations:
liking:  n.兴趣,嗜好。 be to sb.'s liking 合某人的意,合某人的胃口。 have a liking for 喜欢。 on (the) liking 实习的;试用的。 take a liking to [for] 开始喜欢…,爱上…。
like:  vt.1.喜欢,爱好。 He likes vegetables. 他喜欢蔬菜。 I like apples better than pears. 苹果和梨比较起来,我更爱吃苹果。2.希望,想要,喜欢,愿意做某事〔后接不定式或动名词〕。 I should much like to come. 我很想来。 He doesn't like to smoke [smoking].
gentleman like:  adj.= gentlemanly.
lamb like:  adj.1.羔羊似的,怯弱的,温和的。2.天真烂漫的。
tube like:  adj.管状的。
Example Sentences:
1.He abandoned the noiseless transparencies and pointed at the centre of the spreading rings like a setter .
2.I see a colored ring like a rainbow around lights
3.Caption : : titan shines beyond the rings like a brilliant ring of fire , its light gleaming here and there through the gaps in saturn ' s magnificent plane of ice
4.Some of the nebulae exhibit a set of concentric rings like bull ' s - eyes , possibly indicating that the ejection process was episodic rather than continuous
5.This kind cell phone consists of two parts : one is the armillary transmitter ( 话筒 ) can be wore on the wrist ; another is the finger ring like headphone ( 听筒 ) can be wore on the same hand ' s finger
6.On the surface of phbv spherulite , some concentric ring like patterns will occur . based on the procedure of the formation of ring - like patterns , the possible mechanism is given
7.A reasonable mechanism of the concentric ring like patterns on the surface of phbv spherulite was given first . the segregation of hv content between cystal and amorphous parts was observed and the phenomena caused were discussed
8.The exquisite gentlemen of the finest breeding wore little pendent trinkets that chinked as they languidly moved ; these golden fetters rang like precious little bells ; and what with that ringing , and with the rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen , there was a flutter in the air that fanned saint antoine and his devouring hunger far away
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